The Art of Tweed

376 kr SEK
Lagerstatus: Ej i lager

Tweed is one of the world's most iconic fabrics, worn and loved from the country estates of Scotland and Ireland to the catwalks of Milan and Paris, and from the High Street to Peaky Blinders. In THE ART OF TWEED, master tailor Vixy Rae takes you on a beautifully illustrated journey explaining the genius of this cloth for all seasons, how it came about, its immense practicality and how it has developed into today's universally loved fabric, worn by style icons such as Anna Wintour, David Beckham and David Gandy as well as famous fictional characters like James Bond, Sherlock Holmes and Indiana Jones. From the spelling mistake that started it all off, to the huge range of weaves and styles, it's a fascinating story of how such a versatile and practical cloth has developed over two hundred years to meet the needs of the modern world. And as it has transitioned onto the catwalks of the fashion world, no other cloth has bridged two such different worlds so seamlessly. Packed full of beautiful photography.

Publisher - Black & White
Author - Vixy Rae
Format - Hardback

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Artnr: LOM-57873

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